What C Rating Do I Need for Airsoft Lipo

What C Rating Do I Need for Airsoft Lipo

  1. #1

    Reverand Blue Chip is offline

    Forum Fellow member

    What "C" Rating do I really demand?

    I have e'er used 25C batteries (I think). Is there whatsoever reason that a 20C wouldn't work?

    Come to think of information technology - I really don't know much about C ratings at all.

    "He who turns himself into a beast gets rid of the pain of being a homo. I became the God Damn Dear Badger." Visit me on YouTube "BlueChipFPV"

  2. #two

    Reverand Blue Chip is offline

    Forum Member

    Amazing what a single second of searching can yeild...

    We hear it from the grizzled veteran pilot who is been flying since he lived next door to Wilbur and Orville Wright. We get the same question from guys who have with so little experience with electricity they think that Watts is just a neighborhood in Fifty.A.
    So what does the C rating on a lipo mean? For starters, the C in C Rating stands for capacity. To pause it downward to its simplest terms, the C rating is the maximum condom continuous discharge rate of a pack. If you encounter 10C on your battery, it means it tin be discharged at 10 times that pack'southward capacity. Chapters refers to the milliamp-hour rating of the battery, which will be listed as a number followed past mAh (2000mAh, for case).
    Hither's the easy way to notice your battery's discharge rate just multiply the number from the C rating by the pack'due south capacity. Go on in listen that one thousand milliamps equals 1 amp. Here's an case, using an 11.1V 2000mAh 10C
    11.1 volt 2000mAh -10C
    2000 milliamps = 2 amps
    2 Amps x ten = 20 amps continuous discharge

    This means that you lot can safely depict up to 20 amps continuously from that eleven.1V 2000mAh 10C without doing impairment to your battery. Our packs have all the discharge data printed right on the label. You can bank check out one of our labels correct here. We promise this helps clarify the near misunderstood attribute of electrical flight.

    "He who turns himself into a brute gets rid of the hurting of existence a human being. I became the God Damn Dearest Annoy." Visit me on YouTube "BlueChipFPV"

  3. #three

    Reverand Blue Chip is offline

    Forum Fellow member

    So the brusque reply is - on my Swift for instance - which simply draws 20 something amps - a 20C 2200mah bombardment is more than fine. However - that same bombardment on (say) my EZ which draws 46a at WOT would probable crusade something of an issue.

    "He who turns himself into a beast gets rid of the pain of beingness a man. I became the God Damn Honey Badger." Visit me on YouTube "BlueChipFPV"

  4. #iv

    Pooch is offline

    Forum Member

    Looks similar you answered your own question pretty comprehensively.

    Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.

    Igor Sikorsky - "Gentlemen, in that location will come a fourth dimension in your career when y'all discover that the facts and the theory do not agree. At all times, I urge you to respect the facts!"

  5. #5

    aeryck is offline

    Forum Member

    Yes, and you'll as well want to call back that some batteries (especially inexpensive HK make batteries) may not alive upward to their advertised C-rating.

    Personally I always similar to give myself a bit of breathing room. If my power organisation uses 30A at WOT, then I'll want at to the lowest degree 40-50A safe continuous discharge. Is it really necessary? Probably not, merely I prefer to err on the side of caution.

    OTOH, higher C-ratings typically mean either physically larger or heavier batteries (Not to mention a lot more than expensive), and so if you're but using 20A on your power organisation then using a 45C discharge battery will do naught more than hinder your flight performance from larger/heavier batteries that aren't really needed.

    Far ameliorate is it to cartel mighty things, even though checky past failure; than to have rank with those who neither bask much or suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows non victory nor defeat.

  6. #half-dozen

    GhostRider32 is offline


    I generally do a piddling overkill on my batteries. I'm using 20c Turnigy 5000mah batteries on my skywalker and draw at most 35 amps. And then far no problems.

  7. #7

    Greg is offline

    Forum Fellow member

    One other affair to mention about higher C rated lipos....

    The more than a lipo tin can discharge (C) the higher the voltage will exist nether load.

    If you lot matched upward a 10C and a 50C lipo and put them under the same load, the 50C will evangelize college voltage (less sag) than the 10C.

    If you are going for all out performance, this may be there deviation in a few MPH due to the motor getting that higher voltage (kv). But the toll is weight. higher C rated packs are much much heavier than their lower C counterparts.

    Nosotros all know that lipos accept a quick voltage drop at or nigh full capacity utilise. This happens much faster on a higher C pack. This can exist great for some.....and destructive to others. It all depends on how hard you are flight your lipos.

    Last edited by Greg; 18th May 2012 at 01:20 PM.

  8. #8

    Reverand Blue Chip is offline

    Forum Member

    Weight is important - the ones that I bought are for my armada of Swift II'southward - I don't commonly button the limits likewise far with them and the amp draw is pretty low.

    My EZ that has the 6000mah pack is 45C.

    "He who turns himself into a beast gets rid of the pain of being a man. I became the God Damn Honey Annoy." Visit me on YouTube "BlueChipFPV"

  9. #9

    airbagit13 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Chip View Post

    for my fleet of Swift Ii's - I don't usually button the limits too far with them

    Shame on y'all....

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  10. #10

    Reverand Blue Chip is offline

    Forum Member

    2 miles and 6000 anxiety has been satisfying enough on those piffling things. Even though I am going for 4 miles and 10K anxiety to set a tape.

    "He who turns himself into a brute gets rid of the pain of being a man. I became the God Damn Beloved Annoy." Visit me on YouTube "BlueChipFPV"

What C Rating Do I Need for Airsoft Lipo

Posted by: boykinsbeamer.blogspot.com

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